Achieve & Live The Richest Life You Can…
See The 2 Steps Below…
STOP🤚🏾: So that you have the discipline needed to live the richest life you can⬇️
Before starting the 2 steps to achieving and living a rich life, get the Cheat-sheet: Get Superhuman Discipline In 5 Fast and Simple Steps – Even If You Lack Willpower and are the least disciplined person people know
Since I used the 5 steps on the cheatsheet I Stopped (meaning I NEVER do the following things) (you can easily do the same)
- listen to music
- watch movies/shows
- eat unhealthy (junk food, chips, fast food)
- watch porn
- scroll social media
- take warm or hot showers (I only take cold showers)
- And MORE!
2 Steps To live a rich life and be 😀
Step 1: Learn the steps to a rich life
Step 2: Implement the steps to a rich life
2 Steps To A Rich Life Explained
Step 1: Define what a rich life is ⬇️
Agree or disagree: Your richest life is the life in which the quality of your life is the highest…
Agree or Disagree: The quality of one’s life is defined by one’s state of mind
Agree or Disagree: The richer the state of our mind, the richer our life
Step 2: Make Rich, Your mental state ⬇️
Agree or disagree: our mental states resides within us
Agree or disagree: to make rich, our mental state we must look inward
Live Your Richest Life – Implements Rich Life Steps
Agree or disagree: To make our life rich, we must do that which makes our mental state rich
Agree or Disagree: We need to have some discipline to take action and make our mental state rich
Get The Cheat-sheet: How To Get Superhuman Discipline In 5 Fast and Simple Steps – Even If You Lack Willpower
If you agreed to every one of the above phrases…
Choose which way of the 3 ways of making your mental state rich you wish to pursue
Way 1: Most Economical, but requires the most initiative and effort on your part – typically gives good results
Start with “Rich Life Guide”. Shows you which 10 YouTube videos of mine, and in which order will make your life the richest, in >5 hours. Coming soon!
Way 2: Economical, requires some effort and initiative – typically gives great results
Start with group coaching. Coming soon!
Way 3: Requires next to no effort and initiative aside from taking action on what you learn – typically gives EXTRAORDINARY results
3- 6 months, 1 on 1 coaching Coming soon!
For Help With A Specific Issue
Examples of unproductive behaviour: eating more sweets than you want to, not being consistent with going to the gym, being scared of what people think, fearing rejection, etc
About Aziz Patrawala – Certified Hypnotherapist
Coming soon