Achieve & Live The Richest Life You Can…

See The 2 Steps Below…

STOP🤚🏾: So that you have the discipline needed to live the richest life you can⬇️

Before starting the 2 steps to achieving and living a rich life, get the Cheat-sheet: Get Superhuman Discipline In 5 Fast and Simple Steps – Even If You Lack Willpower and are the least disciplined person people know

Since I used the 5 steps on the cheatsheet I Stopped (meaning I NEVER do the following things) (you can easily do the same)

  1. listen to music
  2. watch movies/shows
  3. eat unhealthy (junk food, chips, fast food)
  4. watch porn
  5. scroll social media
  6. take warm or hot showers (I only take cold showers)
  7. And MORE!
Discpline Guide Lead Magnet

2 Steps To live a rich life and be 😀

Step 1: Learn the steps to a rich life
Step 2: Implement the steps to a rich life

2 Steps To A Rich Life Explained

Step 1: Define what a rich life is ⬇️

Agree or disagree: Your richest life is the life in which the quality of your life is the highest…
Agree or Disagree: The quality of one’s life is defined by one’s state of mind
Agree or Disagree: The richer the state of our mind, the richer our life

Step 2: Make Rich, Your mental state ⬇️

Agree or disagree: our mental states resides within us
Agree or disagree: to make rich, our mental state we must look inward

Live Your Richest Life – Implements Rich Life Steps

Agree or disagree: To make our life rich, we must do that which makes our mental state rich
Agree or Disagree: We need to have some discipline to take action and make our mental state rich

Get The Cheat-sheet: How To Get Superhuman Discipline In 5 Fast and Simple Steps – Even If You Lack Willpower

Discpline Guide Lead Magnet

If you agreed to every one of the above phrases…

Choose which way of the 3 ways of making your mental state rich you wish to pursue


Way 1: Most Economical, but requires the most initiative and effort on your part – typically gives good results

Start with “Rich Life Guide”. Shows you which 10 YouTube videos of mine, and in which order will make your life the richest, in >5 hours. Coming soon!

Way 2: Economical, requires some effort and initiative – typically gives great results

Start with group coaching. Coming soon!

Way 3: Requires next to no effort and initiative aside from taking action on what you learn – typically gives EXTRAORDINARY results

3- 6 months, 1 on 1 coaching Coming soon!

For Help With A Specific Issue

Examples of unproductive behaviour: eating more sweets than you want to, not being consistent with going to the gym, being scared of what people think, fearing rejection, etc

About Aziz Patrawala – Certified Hypnotherapist

Coming soon